
Butterfly Life List

A photographic list of butterflies I have identified or photographed in my travels. From the magical Glass Wing Butterflies of Latin America to the Sonoran Metalmark of the Desert Southwest, I collect my sightings through photographs.

Butterfly List

Butterflies are amazing creatures once you get a chance to look at them up close. Like everybody else, I've lived most of my life not paying much attention to them.

When my son was transitioning from baby to toddler and I started pointing things out to him, I started to notice things I hadn't noticed much since I was...two? Now my toddler enjoys sitting in the yard with me, looking at bugs. This section attempts to identify and catalogue butterflies into a cohesive butterfly list I have seen while traveling for Notes from the Road.

Butterflies are mentioned in many of articles, especially in The Blue Butterfly at the End of the Loneliest Road and in several articles in the Neotropics section.

I've organized my butterflies by family:

The Swallowtails (Family Papilionidae)

The Swallowtails (Family Papilionidae) are a family of butterflies known for their striking appearance and elegant flight patterns. Characterized by their large size, vibrant colors, and distinct tails on their hindwings, Swallowtails are found worldwide, with many species exhibiting intricate patterns and unique adaptations for both camouflage and courtship displays.

King Swallowtail

Papilio thoas, photographed on the Tambopata River, Peru

King Swallowtail Butterfly

Scarce Swallowtail

Iphiclides podalirius, photographed near Motovun, Istria, Croatia

Scarce Swallowtail Butterfly (Iphiclides podalirius)

Old World Swallowtail

Papilio machaon, photographed in Paros Park, Paros, Greece

Old World Swallowtail Butterfly (Papilio machaon)

Western Tiger Swallowtail

Papilio rutulus, photographed in Portland, Oregon

Western Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio rutulus)

Clodius Parnassian

Parnassium Clodius, photographed on Larch Mountain, Oregon

Clodius parnassian Butterfly

The Brushfoots (Family Nymphalidae)

The Brushfoots (Family Nymphalidae) represent a diverse and large family of butterflies known for the reduction or loss of their front pair of legs, making them appear as if they have only four functional legs, resembling a brush. This family includes a wide variety of species, ranging from the vibrant and well-known monarch butterflies to the cryptically colored and camouflaged members like the Mourning Cloak.

Common Ringlet

Coenonympha tullia, photographed in Summer Lake, Oregon

Common Ringlet Butterfly

Balkan Marbled White

Melanargia larissa, photographed in Paros Park, Paros, Greece

Balkan Marbled White

Guatemalan Cracker

Hamadryas guatemalena, photographed in Progreso, Yucatán, Mexico

Guatemalan Cracker Butterfly

Painted Lady

Vanessa cardui, photographed in Oregon

Painted Lady Butterfly

Pedaliodes tyrrheus

Pedaliodes tyrrheus, photographed in the Santa Marta Mountains, Magdalena, Colombia

Pedaliodes Tyrrheus Butterfly

Corinna Daggerwing

Marpesia corinna, photographed at El Dorado Lodge in the Santa Marta Mountains, Magdalena, Colombia

Corinna Daggerwing Butterfly

Orange Daggerwing

Marpesia berania, photographed on the Tambopata River, Peru

Orange Daggerwing Butterfly

Queen Butterfly

Danaus gillipus, photographed in Oro Valley, Arizona.

Queen Butterfly, Danaus gilippus

Red Rim

Biblis hyperia, also called the Crimson-banded Black, photographed on the Napo River, Ecuador

Red Rim Butterfly

West Indian Mangrove Buckeye

Junonia genoveva, photographed in Treasure Cay, Abaco, Bahamas in a weedy area adjacent to mangroves.

West Indian Mangrove Buckeye Butterfly (Junonia genoveva)

Menelaus Blue Morpho

Morpho Menalaus, photographed at Pipeline Road, Panama.

Menelaus Blue Morpho Butterfly

Morpho rhodopteron Butterfly

Morpho rhodopteron, photographed at El Dorado Lodge, Santa Marta Mountains, Magdalena, Colombia.

Morpho Rhodopteron butterfly from the Santa Marta Mountains

Hübner's Glad-eye

Calisto Herophile, photographed in Jardin Botanico Nacional near Havana, Cuba

Balkan Marbled White Butterfly

Crathis Tigerwing

Olyras Crathis, photographed in Panama

Crathis Tigerwing Butterfly

Gulf Fritillary

Agraulis vanillae is sometimes called the Passion Butterfly. photographed in Havana, Cuba

Gulf Fritillary Butterfly

Variegated Fritillary

Euptoieta claudia, photographed in the Abaco Islands, Bahamas

Variegated Fritillary

Queen of Spain Fritillary

Issoria lathonia, photographed near Motovun, Istria, Croatia

Queen of Spain Fritillary (Issoria lathonia)

Blue-gray Satyr

Magneuptychia libye, photographed on the Caribbean coast, Panama

Blue-gray Satyr Butterfly

Carolina Satyr

Hermeuptychia sosybius, photographed in New Orleans, Louisiana

Carolina Satyr Butterfly

Hermes Satyr

Hermeuptychia hermes, photographed in New Orleans, Louisiana

Hermes Satyr Butterfly (Hermeuptychia hermes)

Erato Heliconian

Heliconius erato, photographed in Soberania National Park, Panama.

Erato Heliconian Butterfly

Julia Heliconian

Dryas iulia, photographed on the Tambopata River, Peru

Julia Heliconian Butterfly

Isabella's Heliconian

Eueides isabella, photographed in Soberania National Park, Panama.

Isabella's Heliconian Butterfly

Empress Leilia

Asterocampa leilia photographed in Oro Valley, Arizona.

Empress Leilia Butterfly

Lorquin's Admiral

Limenitis lorquini, photographed in Oregon

Lorquin's Admiral Butterfly

Oileus Giant Owl

Caligo oileus, photographed in the Canal Zone, Panama.

Oileus Giant Owl Butterfly

Banded Owl-Butterfly

Caligo atreus, photographed in the Santa Marta Mountains, Magdalena, Colombia

Banded Owl Butterfly

Mourning Cloak

Nymphalis antiopa, photographed on Mount Hood, Oregon.

Mourning Cloak Butterfly

Common Wood-nymph

Cercyonis pegala, photographed in Carver Park Reserve, Carver County, Minnesota

Common Wood-nymph Butterfly

Small Wood-nymph

Cercyonis oetus, photographed in Tumalo Reservoir, Deschutes County, Oregon

Small Wood-nymph Butterfly

California Tortoiseshell

Nymphalis californica, photographed in Oregon

California Tortoiseshell Butterfly

Bordered Patch

Chlosyne lacinia, photographed in Madera Canyon, Arizona.

Bordered Patch

Milbert's Tortoiseshell

Aglais milberti

Milbert's Tortoiseshell Butterfly

Claudina Crescent

Tegosa claudina, photographed in Panama.

Claudina Crescent Butterfly

Pale Banded Crescent

Anthanassa tulcis, photographed in Tamarindo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica.

Pale-banded Crescent Butterfly

Orange-patched Crescent

Anthanassa drusilla

Orange-patched Crescent Butterfly

Three-banded Crescent

Eresia ithomioides alsina, photographed in Panama.

Three-banded Crescent

Cuban Crescent

Anthanassa frisia, photographed near Havana, Cuba

Cuban Crescent Butterfly

Cuban Crescent (Dubia Subspecies)

Anthanassa frisia dubia , photographed in La Guajira, Colombia

Cuban Crescent Butterfly (Anthanassa frisia dubia Subspecies)

Pearl Crescent

Phyciodes tharos, photographed in Louisiana.

Pearl Crescent Butterfly

Mylitta Crescent

Phyciodes mylitta, photographed in Tualatin, Oregon

Mylitta Crescent Butterfly

Tiny Checkerspot

Dymasia dymas, photographed in Madera Canyon, Arizona.

Tiny Checkerspot Butterfly

Leanira Checkerspot

Chlosyne leanira

Leanire Checkerspot Butterfly

Hoffmann's Checkerspot

Chlosyne hoffmanni

Hoffman's Checkerspot Butterfly

Edith's Checkerspot

Euphydryas editha, photographed in Eagle Creek Gorge, Oregon

Edith's Checkerspot Butterfly

Postman Butterfly

Heliconius melpomene, photographed on the Tambopata River, Peru

Postman Butterfly

American Snout Butterfly

Libytheana carinenta, photographed in Oro Valley, Arizona. This unusual butterfly features a snout which looks like a dead branch, and is used as camouflage.

American Snout Butterfly

Red Admiral

Vanessa atalanta, photographed in Oregon.

Red Admiral Butterfly

Napeogenes inachia

photographed in Ecuador

Napogenes inachia Butterfly

Illinissa Glasswing

Hyposcada illinissa, photographed in Yasuni National Park, Ecuador

Illinissa Glasswing Butterfly

Pink Glasswing

Cithaeria aurora, photographed in Yasuni National Park, Ecuador

Pink Glassing Butterfly

White Peacock

Anartia jatrophae, photographed in Tamarindo, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. I also photographed this species in Havana, Cuba.

Unidentified Skipper from Tamarindo

Banded Peacock

Papilio crino, photographed in Gamboa, Panama

Banded Peacock Butterfly

Ithomiidae Chiapas Glasswing Butterfly

Ithomiidae Chiapas, photographed in Panama

Ithomiidae Chiapas Glasswing Butterfly

The Sapho Longwing

Heliconius Sapho, photographed in the Canal Zone, Panama.

Heliconius Sapho Butterfly

Sara Longwing Butterfly

Heliconius sara, photographed in Southeastern Peru

Heliconius Sara Butterfly

Zebra Longwing

Heliconius charithonia. Also called the Zebra Heliconian. photographed in Jardín Botánico Nacional, Cuba.

Zebra Longwing Butterfly (Zebra Heliconian)

Scarce Bamboo Page

Philaethria dido, photographed on the North Coast Honduras

Scarce Bamboo Page Butterfly

California Sister

Adelpha californica, photographed in Eagle Creek Gorge, Oregon

California Sister Butterfly

Smooth-Banded Sister

Adelpha cytherea, photographed in Panama

Smooth-Banded Sister Butterfly

Malachite Butterfly

Siproeta stelenes, photographed in Yasuni National Park, Ecuador

Malachite Butterfly

Scarlet Peacock

Anartia amathea, photographed in Yasuni National Park, Ecuador

Scarlet Peacock Butterfly

Widespread Eighty-eight (Cramer's Eighty-Eight)

Callicore hesperis, photographed in Minca, Colombia. Earlier, I photographed this species on the Tambopata River in Peru.

Widespread Eighty-Eight

Hesperis Eighty-eight

Callicore hesperis, photographed on the Tambopata River, Peru

Hesperis Eighty-Eight

Two-eyed Eighty-eight

Callicore pithaes, photographed in the Tayrona National Park region of Magdalena, Colombia

Two-eyed Eighty-Eight

Tracta Sister

Adelpha tracta, photographed on Volcan Mombacho in Nicaragua.

Tracta Sister Butterfly

Northern Pearly-eye

Enodia anthedon, photographed at the Minnesota Valley NWR, Minnesota

Northern Pearly-eye Butterfly

Mexican Bluewing

Myscelia ethusa, photographed in Nicaragua

Mexican Bluewing Butterfly


Microtia Elva, photographed in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua.

Elf Butterfly (Microtia Elva)

Catonephele antinoe

photographed in Yasuni National Park, Ecuador.

Catonephele antinoe

Acontius Firewing

Catonephele acontius, photographed in Yasuni National Park, Ecuador

Acontius Firewing Butterfly

The Whites and Sulphurs (Family Pieridae)

The Whites and Sulphurs (Family Pieridae) are a family of butterflies characterized by their predominantly white, yellow, or orange coloration. This family includes well-known species such as the cabbage whites and clouded yellows, and they are often associated with open habitats where their bright colors may serve various ecological functions, from mate attraction to warning signals.

Perrhybris Pamela Butterfly

Perrhybris pamela, photographed on the Tambopata River, Peru

Perrhybris Pamela Butterfly

Clouded Yellow Butterfly

Colias croceus, photographed in Sečovlje Salina Nature Park, Piran, Slovenia

Clouded Yellow Butterfly (Colias croceus)

Fairy Yellow

Eurema daira, photographed in Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica

Acid Yellow Butterfly from Tamarindo, Costa Rica

Costa-Spotted Mimic White

Enantia albania, photographed in Panama

Costa-Spotted Mimic White

Apaturina Dartwhite

Catasticta apaturina, photographed in Andean Ecuador

Apaturina Dartwhite

Silky Wanderer

Leptophobia eleone, photographed in the Ecuadorian Andes

Silky Wanderer (Leptophobia eleone)

Great Southern White

Ascia monuste, photographed in Abaco, Bahamas.

Great Southern White

Southern Small White

Pieris mannii, photographed in Naoussa, Paros, Greece.

Southern Small White (Pieris mannii)

White Angled-Sulphur

Anteos clorinde, Santa Maria Beach, Los Cabos, Mexico

White-angled Sulphur Butterfly

Cloudless Sulphur

Phoebis sennae, Pipeline Road, Panama

Cloudless Sulphur Butterfly

Narrow-banded Dartwhite

Catasticta flisa , photograhed in the Ecuadorian Andes.

Narrow-banded Dartwhite (Catasticta flisa)

Pink-edged Sulphur

Colias interior, photographed in Wright County, Minnesota

Pink-edged Sulphur Butterfly

Dimera Sulphur

Colias dimera, photographed in Ecuadorian Andes

Dimera Sulphur (Colias dimera)

Sleepy Orange

Eurema nicippe, Kealakekua Bay, Hawaii Island, Hawaii

Sleepy Orange Butterfly


Gonepteryx rhamni, Tengstedt, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Brimstone Butterfly

Western White

Pontia occidentalis , photographed on Mount Hood, Oregon

Western White Butterfly

Cabbage White

Pieris rapae, photographed in Oregon

Cabbage White Butterfly (Pieris rapae)

Gossamer-Winged Butterflies (Family Lycaenidae)

Gossamer-Winged Butterflies (Family Lycaenidae) are a diverse group known for their delicate appearance and often vibrant colors. This family includes numerous small to medium-sized butterflies, and many species exhibit intricate interactions with ants during their life cycle, as larvae form mutualistic relationships with ants for protection.

Atala Butterfly

Eumaeus atala photographed in Abaco, Bahamas. I write about this species in the Northern Bahamas dry forest journal.

Atala Butterfly

Gray Hairstreak

Strymon melinus, photographed in Ridefield NWR, Washington.

Gray Hairstreak Butterfly

Blue Copper

Lycaena heteronea, photographed in California.

Blue Copper Butterfly

Marine Blue

Leptotes marina, photographed in Madera Canyon, Arizona. Hans thinks this is Reakirt's female.

Marine Blue Butterfly

Holly Blue Butterfly

Celastrina argiolus, photographed in Sicily, Italy. This species is present in both Eurasia and North America.

Holly Blue Butterfly in Sicily, Italy

Reakirt's Blue

Echinargus isola, photographed in Madera Canyon, Arizona.

Reakirt's Blue Butterfly

Green Hairstreak

Callophrys rubi, photographed in Aiguamolls, Catalonia, Spain

Green Hairstreak Butterfly

Nelson's Hairstreak

Callophrys nelsoni, photographed in Portland, Oregon

Nelson's Hairstreak Butterfly (Callophrys nelsoni)

Echo Azure

Celastrina echo, photographed in Madera Canyon, Arizona.

Echo Azure Butterfly

Western Pygmy Blue

Brephidium exilis, photographed in California

Western Pygmy Blue Butterfly

Anna's Blue

Plebejus anna, photographed in Oregon

Anna's Blue

Square-spotted Blue

Euphilotes battoides, photographed on Mount Hood, Oregon

Square-spotted Blue

Western Tailed-blue

Cupido amyntula, photographed in Samuel H. Boardman State Scenic Corridor, Oregon

Western-tailed Blue

Silvery Blue

Glaucopsyche lygdamus, photographed on Mount Hood, Oregon

Silvery Blue Butterfly

Silver-studded Blue

Plebejus arguss, photographed in Sečovlje Salina Nature Park, Piran, Slovenia

Silver-studded Blue Butterfly

Brown Argus

Aricia agestis, photographed in Tengstedt, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Brown Argus Butterfly

Spring Azure

Celastrina ladon, photographed at Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Minnesota.

Spring Azure Butterfly

Acmon Blue

Plebejus acmon, photographed in Oregon.

Acmon Blue Butterfly

Eastern-tailed Blue

Cupido comyntas, photographed on Great Abaco Island, Bahamas.

Eastern-tailed Blue Butterfly, Bahamas

Eastern-tailed Blue

Cupido comyntas, photographed in Tayrona National Park, Magdalena, Colombia.

Eastern-tailed Blue Butterfly, Colombia

Barred Yellow

Eurema daira, photographed in Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. Often also called the Barred Sulphur.

Barred Yellow Butterfly (Eurema daira)

Female Barred Yellow butterfly, photographed in Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica

Barred Yellow Butterfly from Tamarindo, Costa Rica

MetalMarks (Family Riodinidae)

Metalmarks (Family Riodinidae) are a group of butterflies characterized by their metallic and reflective wing markings. Members of this family are often small to medium-sized, and their distinctive wing patterns can range from subtle iridescence to bold metallic hues. Metalmarks are found in various habitats, primarily in tropical regions, and their striking wing colors and patterns play roles in both mate attraction and predator deterrence.

Laverna Metalmark

Calephelis laverna, photographed in Tayrona National Park, Magdalena, Colombia

Laverna Metalmark Butterfly (Calephelis laverna)

Lagora Eyemark

Leucochimona lagora, photographed in Panama.

Lagora Eyemark Butterfly (Leucochimona lagora)

Sword-tailed Beautymark

Rhetus arcius, photographed in Tamarindo, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. This brilliant butterfly is by far among the very beautiful I have ever seen. It came as a complete surprise to find it resting on sidewalk in busy Tamarindo, Costa Rica. Unfortunately, I only had my phone camera and was unable to capture it's vivid glory. I spent several days going back to the same location to see if I could relocate it, but no luck!

Sword-tailed Beautymark Butterfly from Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Lasus Eyemark

Perophthalma lasus, photographed in Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica.

Lasus Eyemark Butterfly (Perophthalma lasus)

Sonoran Metalmark

Apodemia mejicanus, photographed in Southern Arizona.

Sonoran Metalmark Butterfly (Apodemia mejicanus)

Fatal Metalmark

Calephelis nemesis, photographed at Patagonia Lake, Arizona.

Fatal Metalmark Butterfly (Calephelis nemesis)

Hyalina Metalmark

Thisbe hyalina, photographed in Panama.

Hyalina Metalmark Butterfly (Thisbe hyalina)

Mexican Metalmark

Apodemia mejicanus, photographed at Santa Maria Beach, Baja Sur, Mexico.

Mexican Metalmark Butterfly (Apodemia mejicanus)

Blue-patched Eyed-Metalmark

Mesosemia coelestis, photographed in Panama.

Blue-patched Eyed-Metalmark (Mesosemia coelestis)

Skippers (Family Hesperiidae)

Skippers (Family Hesperiidae) are a diverse group of butterflies characterized by their robust bodies, rapid and darting flight, and hooked tips at the end of their antennae. They are often intermediate in appearance between true butterflies and moths, with a compact body structure and wings that are typically more triangular in shape. Skippers are found in a variety of habitats worldwide, and many species are known for their relatively inconspicuous yet fascinating behaviors, making them an interesting and varied family within the order Lepidoptera.

Dull Firetip

Apyrrothrix araxes, photographed in Madera Canyon, Arizona.

Dull Firetip Butterfly (Apyrrothrix araxes)

Hammock Skipper

Polygonus leo, photographed in the Abaco Islands, Bahamas.

Hammock Skipper (Polygonus leo)

Creon Skipper, Lilliana subspecies

Creonpyge creon lilliana. I photographed this Creon Skipper in El Valle de Anton, Panama. It is apparently the first photograph of a living Lilliana Creon Skipper.

Creon Skipper Butterfly

Two-Barred Flasher

Astraptes fulgerator, photographed in Soberania National Park, Panama.

Tow-barred Flasher

Common Checkered Skipper

Burnsius communis, photographed in Madera Canyon, Arizona.

Common Checkered Skipper

Tropical Checkered-Skipper

Pyrgus oileus, photographed in Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica.

Tropical Checkered-Skipper Butterfly

Silver-plated Skipper

Rhetus arcius, photographed near Minca, in the mid-elevations of the Santa Marta Mountains, Magdalena, Colombia

Silver Plated Skipper Butterfly

Woodland Skipper

Ochlodes sylvanoides, photographed in Sauvie Island, Oregon.

Woodland Skipper Butterfly

Least Skipper

Ancyloxypha numitor, photographed in Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Minnesota.

Least Skipper butterfly in Rice Lake, Minnesota

Erichson's White Skipper

Burnsius orcus, photographed near Camarones,in La Guajira, Colombia.

Erichson's White Skipper

Long-tailed Skipper

Urbanus proteus, photographed in Panama.

Long-tailed Skipper Butterfly

Urbanus proteus, photographed at Santa Maria Beach, Baja Sur, Mexico.

Long-tailed Skipper from Baja, Mexico

Fiery Skipper

Hylephila phyleus, photographed in Oro Valley, Arizona.

Fiery Skipper Butterfly

Female Fiery Skipper, photographed in Kai Luum, Mérida, Mexico.

Female Fiery Skipper Butterfly

Elegant Flat Spreadwing

Celaenorrhinus stola, photographed in Panama.

Elegant Flat Spreadwing

Yellow-veined Skipper

Parphorus decora, photographed in Panama.

Yellow-veined Skipper

Monk Skipper

Asbolis capucinus, photographed in Jardín Botánico Nacional, Cuba.

Monk Skipper Butterfly

Palatka Skipper

Euphyes pilatka, photographed in Abaco, Bahamas.

Patatka Skipper Butterfly in the Bahamas

Hewitson's Sabre-wing

Jemadia hewitsonii, photographed in Yasuni National Park, Ecuador

Hewitson's Sabre-wing Butterfly

List of Unidentified Butterflies

It often takes me years before I accurately identify a butterfly species. I am always open to help from experts and enthusiasts.

Butterfly, Unidentified

Andes, Ecuador

Butterfly from Andes, Ecuador

Unidentified Butterfly

photographed in Ecuadorian Andes

Ecuadorian Andes Butterfly

Unidentified Skipper

photographed in Ecuador

Skipper from the Andes of Ecuador

Unidentified Skipper

photographed in Panama

Butterfly - Skipper from Panama

Unidentified Skipper

photographed in Panama

Panama Skipper Butterfly

Unidentified Skipper Butterfly

photographed in Panama

Skipper Butterfly from Panama

Explore more in About Us

Write to Erik Gauger of Notes from the Road

A list of all the birds I've seen in my life, with illustrations.

A list of all the butterflies I've identified in my life, with photographs.

A list of all the reptiles I've identfiied in my life, with illustrations.

A list of all the amphibians I've seen in my life, with illustrations.

A list of all the Odonata insects I've seen in my life, with illustrations.

A list of all the mammals I've seen in my life.

A collection of photographs of spiders and other arachnids I've seen while photographing for Notes from the Road.

Explore my list of fish species that I have identified.

My list of extraordinary road-trip approved Grateful Dead jams.

My list of the best Phish jams for traveling and road trips.

My gallery of feral, stray and wild country cats.