Mammal Life List
Updated May 13, 2024
This is my list of all the wild mammals I have recorded while traveling for Notes from the Road.
Marsupials: These mammals give birth to relatively undeveloped young, which then complete their development in a pouch. Examples include kangaroos, koalas, and opossums.
Great TinamouTinamus major
Central American Wooly Opossum Caluromys derbianus
I first saw these incredible marsupials on Isla Bastimentos, Panama.
Common OpossumDidelphis marsupialis
Water OpposumChironectes minimus
Xenarthrans: Characterized by unique skeletal features, including extra joints in their backbone. Includes anteaters, sloths, and armadillos.
Northern TamanduaTamandua mexicana
Brown-throated slothBradypus variegatus
Hoffmann's two-toed slothCholoepus hoffmanni
Primates: Includes humans, apes, monkeys, and prosimians.
Barbary MacaqueMacaca sylvanus
Black HowlerAlouatta caraya
Black-mantled TamarinLeontocebus nigricollis
Central American squirrel monkeySaimiri oerstedii
Tufted CapuchinSapajus apella
Cotton-top TamarinSaguinus oedipus
I wrote about Cotton-tops in detail in my notes on the Caribbean lowlands of Colombia.
Geoffroy's spider monkeyAteles geoffroyi
Humboldt's squirrel monkeySaimiri cassiquiarensis
Red-bellied titi monkeyPlecturocebus moloch
Mantled HowlerAlouatta palliata
Panamanian Night MonkeyAotus zonalis
Purús Red HowlerAlouatta puruensis
Spix's night monkeyAotus vociferans
Central American White-faced CapuchinCebus imitator
Photographed in Soberania National Park.
Rodents: Largest order of mammals, including mice, rats, squirrels, beavers, and many others.
Arctic Ground SquirrelUrocitellus parryii
Black AgoutiDasyprocta fuliginosa
Black-tailed Prairie DogCynomys ludovicianus
CapybaraHydrochoerus hydrochaeris
Central American AgoutiDasyprocta punctata
Desert Kangaroo RatDipodomys deserti
North American BeaverCastor canadensis
California Ground SquirrelOtospermophilus beecheyi
Douglas SquirrelTamiasciurus douglasii
Santander Dwarf SquirrelMicrosciurus santanderensis
Eastern Fox SquirrelSciurus niger
Eastern Gray SquirrelSciurus carolinensis
Eastern Red SquirrelTamiasciurus hudsonicus
Golden-mantled Ground SquirrelCallospermophilus lateralis
Harris' Antelope SquirrelAmmospermophilus harrisii
Hopi ChipmunkNeotamias rufus
Least ChipmunkNeotamias minimus
Nutria or coypuMyocastor coypus
American Red SquirrelTamiasciurus hudsonicus
Red-rumped agoutiDasyprocta leporina
Red-tailed SquirrelSciurus granatensis
Rock SquirrelOtospermophilus variegatus
Round-tailed Ground SquirrelXerospermophilus tereticaudus
Variegated SquirrelSciurus variegatoides
Thirteen-Lined Ground SquirrelIctidomys tridecemlineatus
Townsend's ChipmunkNeotamias townsendii
White-tailed Antelope SquirrelAmmospermophilus leucurus
Yellow-bellied MarmotMarmota flaviventris
Lagomorphs: Includes rabbits, hares, and pikas.
American PikaOchotona princeps
Black-tailed JackrabbitLepus californicus
Desert Cottontail Sylvilagus audubonii
Marsh RabbitSylvilagus palustris
Common TapetiSylvilagus brasiliensis
Western Brush RabbitSylvilagus bachmani
Insectivores: Includes shrews, moles, and hedgehogs.
Bats: Only mammals capable of sustained flight.
Lesser Bulldog BatNoctilio albiventris
Lesser Sac-winged BatSaccopteryx leptura
Lesser long-tongued batChoeroniscus minor
Little Brown BatMyotis lucifugus
Orange Nectar BatLonchophylla robusta
Photographed near El Valle de Anton, Panama.
Tent-making BatUroderma bilobatum
Western Small-footed BatMyotis ciliolabrum
Western PipistrelleParastrellus hesperus
Greater Sac-winged BatSaccopteryx bilineata
Carnivorans: Includes cats, dogs, bears, weasels, and seals.
American Black BearUrsus americanus
CoyoteCanis latrans
CougarPuma concolor
European MinkMustela lutreola
Gray FoxUrocyon cinereoargenteus
KinkajouPotos flavus
Kit FoxVulpes macrotis
American MinkNeogale vison
Northern RaccoonProcyon lotor
Red FoxVulpes vulpes
North American River OtterLontra canadensis
Sea OtterEnhydra lutris
Small Indian MongooseUrva auropunctata
Striped Hog-Nosed SkunkConepatus semistriatus
TayraEira barbara
Western-Spotted SkunkSpilogale gracilis
White-nosed CoatimundiNasua narica
Odd-toed ungulates: Includes horses, zebras, rhinoceroses, and tapirs.
ElkCervus canadensis
MooseAlces alces
Mule Deer Odocoileus hemionus
White-tailed DeerOdocoileus virginianus
Even-toed ungulates: Includes pigs, deer, cattle, giraffes, and hippopotamuses.
Bighorn SheepOvis canadensis
American BisonBison bison
CaribouRangifer tarandus
Collared PeccaryDicotyles tajacu
MuskoxOvibos moschatus
I wrote about my encounter with a male muskox in Midnight Road to Beringia.
PronghornAntilocapra americana
Photographed while on the Loneliest Road in Nevada.
White-lipped PeccaryTayassu pecari
Cetaceans: Includes whales, dolphins, and porpoises.
Blue WhaleBalaenoptera musculus
Common Bottlenose DolphinTursiops truncatus
Dall's PorpoisePhocoenoides dalli
Humpback WhaleMegaptera novaeangliae
Long-beaked Common DolphinDelphinus delphis
Fin WhaleBalaenoptera physalus
Gray WhaleEschrichtius robustus
Harbour PorpoisePhocoena phocoena
Pacific White-sided DolphinLagenorhynchus obliquidens
Sei WhaleBalaenoptera borealis
Spinner DolphinStenella longirostris
Pinnipeds: Includes seals, sea lions, and walruses.
California Sea LionZalophus californianus
Northern Elephant SealMirounga angustirostris
Harbor SealPhoca vitulina
Hawaiian Monk SealNeomonachus schauinslandi
Northern Fur SealCallorhinus ursinus
Spotted SealPhoca largha
Stellar Sea LionEumetopias jubatus
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